Modern Slavery Statement

YouLend Modern Slavery Act Statement
This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps taken by YouLend Limited, to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain for the financial year of 2024.
1. Organisational Structure and Business
YouLend is a provider of embedded financing solutions to SMEs. YouLend is established in the United Kingdom owned jointly by EQT VIII (through B Circle Holding S.A., Moneyball Bidco S.A.R.L, BC MidCo PTE. Ltd, and Moneyball Topco PTE. Ltd), EQT Ventures Investments Sarl, and certain minority shareholders (less than 10% individually).
On 29th of June 2023, YouLend Limited was granted a Payment Institution License under Payment Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/752) under the supervision of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA FRN 947287) for the provision of payment services within the United Kingdom. This means the opening of settlement accounts for merchants that are operated and controlled by YouLend where funds can be sent by sales processors or card processors for the purpose of repaying the merchant financing. Merchant financing is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. See our Regulatory page for more information.
YouLend is the premier global provider of embedded finance solutions, trusted by many of the world's top e-commerce platforms, tech companies, and payment service providers. Our advanced software platform and APIs empower our partners to offer quick, flexible, and affordable financing to their merchants, all without exposing their own capital to risk.
2. Our Approach
Given the nature of YouLend's business and the industry in which we operate, we believe there is a low risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations or supply chains. Nevertheless, YouLend recognises the issue of modern slavery and takes a zero-tolerance approach to these real, yet often hidden, issues in our society.
YouLend is committed to building an ethical and sustainable business. We are dedicated to establishing strong business relationships with high-quality partners who uphold ethical standards equivalent to our own. We will not knowingly engage with partners who do not meet these standards or who fail to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery.
3. Looking Forward
For the upcoming financial year, YouLend is committed to taking significant steps to bolster our policies and training related to modern slavery.
• As we continue to expand our business globally, ensure that our Anti-Modern Slavery Statement is relevant: reviewing our commitment and strategies to combat modern slavery;
• Enhance Our Policies: We will review and strengthen our existing policies to ensure they effectively address the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking.
While we do not currently have a standalone modern slavery and human trafficking policy, our goal is to integrate robust measures into our everyday processes, acknowledging the pervasive nature of these risks. We are dedicated to continuously improving our ability to detect and address modern slavery risks and additional focus areas for the year end 2024 and confirm our commitment to working with not just colleagues but also our suppliers, clients, and many other stakeholders to continue to drive change and help keep modern slavery in the past.