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Alternative data
Embedded finance
Embedded finance

YouLend wins Best Fintech Lender at the 2021 Lending Awards

We are thrilled to have won the Best FinTech Lender Award at the 2021 Lending Awards, hosted by Credit Strategy.

London, 3rd December 2021 – We are thrilled to have won the Best FinTech Lender Award at the 2021 Lending Awards, hosted by Credit Strategy.

At YouLend, we provide embedded finance solutions to world-leading e-commerce platforms, technology companies, and payment services providers (PSPs), including eBay and Shopify, so that they can provide fast and flexible funding to their merchants through the YouLend platform.

"Embedded finance at YouLend is about constantly finding ways to make both the experience and the process of retrieving finance seamless. At YouLend, we believe in automation and alternative data sources as a solution to financial inclusion. In the six months after funding with embedded finance, YouLend partners have seen sales increase by 10-35% for funded sellers, and seller loyalty increase as churn reduces by 50-75%." Says founder and co-CEO Mikkel Velin.

The award reflects YouLend’s partner-centric approach to embedded finance: "We win if our partners win, and our partners win if their merchants win. Being the Best FinTech Lender highlights that, through technology, we are enabling a market-leading way for our partners to help their merchants grow,” adds Velin.

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